Your appearance and your oral health will both benefit from having teeth and jaws that are properly aligned. Numerous problems can result from orthodontic issues, not the least of which is lowered self-esteem. Traditional braces are a common solution for improving smiles, but many patients are unhappy with the idea of having a mouth full of metal throughout treatment. Dr. Cruz at Dr. Yolanda Cruz Dentistry in Toronto knows how you feel. That’s why the option of Damon Clear braces is offered to our patients.
Traditional braces:
Metal braces are the traditional method for correcting smiles. This involves bonding metal brackets onto your teeth, metal bands onto your back teeth, and an archwire connected to the brackets and held in place by elastic o-rings. The purpose of the archwire is to place pressure on the brackets and guide your teeth into new positions. Traditional braces are very effective in correcting smiles, but they are also extremely visible and often uncomfortable.
Damon Clear braces:
The clear-colored version of Damon braces is called Damon Clear. Instead of the metal brackets used in Damon braces, these use clear brackets on your teeth. There are also no elastic o-rings holding the archwire in place, since Damon braces employ a sliding mechanism. This allows the archwire to tighten gradually by itself as it moves your teeth into better alignment. By eliminating visible metal parts and elastic o-rings, Damon Clear is nearly invisible in your mouth.
You may wonder why you shouldn’t choose Invisalign clear aligners instead of Damon Clear braces. One reason is that not all patients are good candidates for aligners, because certain orthodontic issues can’t be adequately repaired using aligners. Another reason is that some people have a hard time keeping up with removeable aligners; they are easy to lose when you remove them to eat or brush your teeth. Damon Clear offers practically invisible braces that you never have to worry about misplacing.
Damon Clear benefits:
Here are some advantages of choosing Damon Clear:
- Research shows that Damon Clear braces work about six months faster than traditional braces. The unique sliding mechanism allows teeth to move more easily, which means faster improvements.
- These braces are clear in your smile, making them less noticeable to others.
- A common cause of discomfort with traditional braces is tightening them to instigate tooth movement, but Damon Clear does not require tightening. Therefore, these braces are more comfortable.
- Convenience is improved due to fewer office visits to Dr. Yolanda Cruz Dentistry and simpler oral hygiene tasks.